Recent News
March 2015
Plans for this year include working with Irelands Owen Casey on songs for anew CD,upcoming Projects with Caymans own Jean Notch & Kayjam & Germany based Jamaican Artiste Ray Darwin's new CD anticipated in mid-2015. Also I'm continuing to tour and create new sounds with Diana King, and we're leading up to the release of her new album later this year. Faraji has his album I'm producing coming out this year too. Lastly but not least, the next hottest thing out of Oz is Up and coming pop artist Teylah James from Adelaide, Australia. Watch this space!
Here’s some few things I’m working on right now:
Getting deep into Programming & Sound design for ads, Jingles, Plays & Motion pictures short Movies, Videos etc.
Finishing up final mixes for Teylah James' debut CD - it's sounding awesome
Currently recording new songs with Jean Notch & Kayjam in Montego Bay
Producing and recording songs with Italee Watson for her upcoming CD
Recording with a Irish Reggae artist Owen Casey, based in Hamburg Germany